20230525 Annual General Meeting

The Friends of Cosne AGM was held on Wednesday 17th May 2023 at 7:30 pm in the conservatory of the Engineer Pub in Harpenden. It was well attended and most attendees opted to enjoy a meal afterwards. The first drink was on the Friends of Cosne.

Finances and events of the year 2021-22 were discussed. The present members of the committee were reinstated with Gill Clark as the Chairman. We were delighted that John Drake, our former Council representative, kindly agreed to become the Treasurer. We welcomed Patrick Brosnan as our new Council Representative on the committee. The other committee members are Kristina Lucas, Shona Shahryar, Linda Frydd and Jackie Andrews.

Our next event will be the Summer Carnival on Saturday 17th June at the Harpenden Common where we will have a stall, promoting the Friends of Cosne. If any of our Friends can give an hour to help at the stall, please contact us or Kristina Lucas.

For more pictures on the event, visit our picture gallery page.